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Original Vintage Poster: Black is Beautiful - Coretta Scott King
Poster ID: CL21205
Category: Political/Other
Designer: Sister Corita
Year: 1960s
Country: American
Approximate Size 22 x 14 inches
Condition: Very Good
Price: $1200
In stock

An electrifying graphic with a quote from Coretta Scott King from a speech she gave after the assassination of her husband Martin Luther King Jr.: "I would challenge you to see that his spirit never dies, and we will go forward from this experience -- which to me represents the crucifixion -- to resurrection and redemption of the spirit..."

And and passage from Alan Watts: "He learns that the "yes" or "on" elements of energy cannot be experienced without contrast with the "no" or "off, " and therefore that darkness and death are by no means the mere absence of light and life but rather their origin. In this way the fear of death and nothingness is entirely overcome..." Pencil signed by Sister Corita

Keywords: Black Interest,Neon,Resurrection,Redemption,Crucifixion,MLK,Sister Corita