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Nicolas - Vous preferes Nicolas / Mais mon cheri, il ne s'agait que de vin (Magazine Ad)
English Title: Nicolas - You prefer Nicolas / But my darling, it was only about wine
Poster ID: CL82316
Category: Food and Drink/Wine
Designer: Raymond Peynet
Year: 1950s
Country: French
Approximate Size 12 x 9 inches
Condition: Very Good
Price: $120
c.1950 SMALL Advertisement page from a French magazine. Printed by Draeger. Raymond Peynet was a French cartoonist known for having created the couple of lovers in 1942 which he represented on many mediums, including ceramics, posters, jewelry, postcards, and postage stamps. (Wikipedia) NOTE: Pasted onto light card stock (cannot be removed).
Keywords: magazine ad,advertisement,lovers,small format,wine,couples,romantic,Raymond Peynet