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Don't Tell Mama (39) - Jimmy James (as Marilyn Monroe)
Poster ID: CL87232
Category: Theatrical/Entertainer
Designer: Erv Raible, Joey Skilbred (photographer)
Year: 1980s
Country: American
Approximate Size 22 x 14 inches
Condition: Very Good
Price: $350

1980s NYC cabaret/ piano-bar/ club performance poster. Great graphics from a series by Erv Raible. "An iconic chameleon of looks and voices, singer and female impersonator Jimmy James made his mark on the daytime talk show circuit before winding up on an international postage stamp (accidentally), recording a genuine dance anthem and becoming a livestream star with longevity." (Thotyssey)

Keywords: entertainer,singer,drag,impersonator,black and white,portrait,photograph,new york city,the eighties,Erv Raible, Joey Skilbred (photographer)