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No. 1982 - Путешествие пана Кляксы (Путешествия пана Кляксы)
English Title: Travels of Mr. Kleks
Poster ID: CL87987
Category: Movies
Year: 1990s
Actor / Director: Piotr Fronczewski, Marcin Baranski, Henryk Bista, dir. Krzysztof Gradowski
Film Studio: Kinostudiya imeni M. Gorkogo, Sovinfilm, Zespol Filmowy "Zodiak"
Country: Russian
Film Country: Polish
Approximate Size 17 x 25 inches
Condition: Very Good
Price: $200

1986 Polish film about Mr. Kleks who tells a young patient the story of the Great Elektronik and robots who conquered the island of inventors. (IMDb)

Keywords: space ship,sun,desert