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Saddam Hussein (3) The People’s Army
English Title: February Anniversary of the founding of the People's Army / Dear Iraqis... Your strength increases
Poster ID: CL88388
Category: Political/Other
Year: 1980s
Country: Iraqi
Approximate Size 27 x 19 inches
Condition: Good
Price: $125

The Iraqi Popular Army, also known as the People's Army or People's Militia (Arabic: الجيش الشعبي Al Jaysh ash Shaabi), was a paramilitary organization composed of civilian volunteers to protect the Ba'ath regime against internal opposition and serve as a counterbalance against any coup attempt by the regular Iraqi Army. In 1987, the People's Army, standing at an estimated 650,000, approached the regular armed forces' manpower strength. (Wikipedia)

Keywords: Iraq,Ba'ath,Middle east,Arabic,war